

Eddie Kong APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20



作者:梅森中学七年级学生Eddie Kong

今年的5月8号是Ohio州初选。我和我的8个小伙伴们一起参加了Lee Wong for Commissioner助选团。Mr. Lee Wong(黄良华先生)是West Chester Township Trustee,这次他要冲下一个目标Butler County Commissioner。黄先生自2006年以来多次连任West Chester Township Trustee。West Chester Township曾6次被CNN评为美国最适合居住的前100个城镇之一,其中有5次是黄先生的任期内。黄先生积极参与华人事物,他是我们当地华人参政议政的典范。


5月8号那天,一下了课,就有热心的志愿者阿姨接了我们把我们准时送到了Lee Wong的竞选大本营。黄先生和他的竞选团队给我们做了简短的助选问答,助选礼仪,还有选民心理的辅导,然后我们就兵分两路直奔投票点。


5月的初夏,气温有点高,我们的团队热情也高涨。我们举着支持Lee Wong的牌子,笑脸相迎每一个前来的选民,大声的谢谢他们来投票, 不管他们投谁的票,来投票就是尽公民的义务!


来投票的选民们络绎不绝,有匆匆下了班过来的,也有抱着孩子的妈妈们,更有互相搀扶着步履蹒跚的老人们。我还注意到黄先生的对手, 现任Commissioner Cindy Carpenter也在门口像我们一样迎接选民。她和我们的队伍只几步之遥,我们互不打扰,和平友好地问候每个选民。


这次助选活动,我还亲眼目睹了不同的政治意见。由于是连任多年的Trustee,黄先生在West Chester居民中声望很高,有些人像老朋友一样问侯他,也有个别人很不友好的上前来告诉他:我不喜欢你。对于这些不同的声音,黄先生也能保持冷静的专业性礼节。这也让我学到了在以后的生活里应该怎么去冷静的处理身边的事情。


我很幸运能看到周围有一批象Lee Wong,象接送我们的志愿者阿姨们这样的华裔长辈们。他们是群积极进取,温文尔雅,却执着于自己的理念的公民。他们身上体现了在美国的华人的使命感,让我感受到在美国华人的力量。


自从去年参加了APAPA Ohio主办的公民领导力论坛,增强了我对政治的意识。我们在学校里都学过政 府的权利是由公民给予他们的。参与投票是公民的自由权利,无论我们的社会地位如何, 这都是我们在政府中一个重要的发言权。

这次的助选让我零距离亲生经历了一次地方选举。我认识到不管是地方选举还是四年一次 的总统大选,每一个人,每一个选票都是至关重要的。


APAPA是一个不参与党派之争的组织,是一个为了提高亚太裔对公共事务的了解、参与 并提高领导能力,促进亚太裔在社会各方面获得平等地位的团体。华裔做为少数族裔,我 们的声音也应该不容忽视。参与选举是我们的义务,推选能为我们争取利益的领导者是我 们权利。不管是初选、中选、还是大选,每个人都应该来投票,每一票都重要!



English Version

Every Vote Counts: 

My First-Hand Experience With The Ohio Primaries

By: Eddie Kong


The Ohio state primaries occured on May 8th this year. Seven others and I took part in Lee Wong’s campaign for Butler County commissioner. Mr. Lee Wong is currently the West Chester TownshipTrustee, and he has been in this position since 2006. This time, he decided to run for the Butler County commissioner. West Chester township has been named six times as one of the top 100 most suitable cities for living in the United States by CNN. Of these six times, five of them were during Mr. Wong's tenure. Mr.Wong actively participates in Asian affairs. He is a great example for our local Chinese participation in politics.


On the day of the primary, I was picked up by a volunteer after school along with three others, and we headed to Lee Wong’s campaign headquarters straight away. His campaign team handed us campaignt-shirts with the words “Lee Wong For Commissioner” and educated us on what to expect, what to do, and basic etiquette. Afterwards, we head out to a polling station and worked with Lee Wong there.

It was very sunny that day, not a cloud in the sky to help block the blazing heat from the sun. Luckily, a few storage locks helped give us shade. We were given billboards to hold while greeting the voters. We also watched Mr. Wong greet each incoming citizen in a friendly way.He thanked them for voting, no matter who they supported, stating that it was“a citizen’s duty”.


There was an endless flow of people coming in — I was never left with no one to greet and smile to. Many people had just got off of work, and the people coming in ranged from mothers cradling new borns in their arms to the elderly couples slowly making their way to the doors. The little shade that we had began with rapidly diminished as the sunset down towards the horizon.


Just across from us was the incumbent Butler County commissioner and Lee Wong’s competitor, Cindy Carpenter. She was also there, greeting voters, handing out flyers and creating brief conversations with them. Although our rival was only a few feet away, we didn’t interfere with one another, both supporting the voters in a kind way.


In this election campaign, I also witnessed different political opinions. Since he had been a trustee for many years, Mr. Wong was well known among the West Chester residents. He also knew lots of locals by name. Of course, there were a few other people who returned an “I hate you” after his kindness. However, Mr. Wong was still able to maintain a calm, professional courtesy. It is a great example for how to calmly deal with obstacles in reality.


I feel very fortunate to see a group of Asian leaders like Lee Wong and other volunteers I met that day. They are a group of Chinese people who are pleasant and kind, and they reflected both the American and Chinese culture. From them, I can witness the strength and the impact that our culture has on our community.

I’ve immensely increased my political awareness since attending the APAPA Ohio Civic Leadership Forum last year. We’ve all studied democracies at schools and how we give power to the influential leaders in our country. Citizens who participate in voting exercise a crucial freedom that let us have a say in the government, no matter what our social status is. From this experience, I’ve realized that every single vote matters,no matter it’s deciding the next commissioner or the next president of the United States.

【编者按】本文仅代表作者观点,不代表APAPA Ohio及OCAA官方立场。更多精彩文章,请点击“阅读原文”查看我们公众号的主页。欢迎大家积极投稿!


  1. 我们在塑造公民参与之未来 —- APAPA夏季实习培训总结

  2. A Visit to the Franklin County Recorder Office by APAPA Youth

  3. 政治并不枯燥:亲历APAPA俄亥俄夏季实习培训之二

  4. 第一次经历美国选举系统 - 沃伦郡选举委员会之旅

  5. My Experience: APAPA Ohio 2018 Summer Internship Training

  6. 一次独特的春假行 — 参观选举委员会

  7. Enough is Enough: HB Walkout

  8. 让我们一起跑起来 - 记颜希诚先生公益讲座

  9. APAPA俄亥俄青年选举成立哥伦布分部

  10. 2017亚裔峰会给我的体验

  11. 超越自我(Beyond Our Boundaries)

  12. 拥抱我们的差异

  13. 我的难忘经历 – 参加Beyond Our Boundaries青年峰会



关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。俄亥俄华人协会(Ohio Chinese American Association ,OCAA)是一个在俄亥俄注册的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

