
一盏茶记录生活的流动时光 | 杭州富阳阳光城 · 檀境里

DESIGN FOR LIFE 山水比德上海设计院 2023-09-06



The landform of "eight mountains, half water and half field" and the warm climate make Fuyang very suitable for tea growth. Local tea has a long history of more than 2000 years.

▼品茶四境Four realms of tea

▼落位分析 Analysis chart


This project takes the local tea cultural background as the starting point, extracts the four environments of tea appreciation as the theme, and awakens the participants' memory of the urban cultural charm through the four spaces of "watching tea - making tea - reflecting tea - tasting tea" at one time, so as to experience the multiple feelings brought by different spatial characteristic landscapes like tasting tea ceremony.


The entrance area is dominated by hidden luxury. As the first image of the project and the first facade connected with the city, it has the space conversion function of city and nature, noise and tranquility.With black as the base and gold lines, it is exquisite in the atmosphere, attracts the attention of visitors, and creates the image and dignity of the ceremony entrance.

▼入口门廊 Entrance porch


After entering the porch, the entrance facing wall is extracted with tea elements. The grid facade monomer adopts the style of tea leaves, which are staggered and spliced to form a standard section, and then the standard sections are arranged and combined to form a whole scene wall.

▼融入茶叶元素的景墙 Landscape wall with tea elements


Different from the relationship between the exhibition industry and the municipal government, in the front stage, we hope to create a customer feeling with more texture and experience. Inspired by tea making at the beginning of the design, we use plants to make tea in the cup and water to make tea in the cup. We hope to express the tea culture from a small perspective.

▼入口水景 Entrance water feature

The tree is the high point of the whole site. There is a platform near the tree and water under the platform. Compared with the thick wall next to it, the hanging platform and water seem to break out and pour down, and finally converge into Yunmeng daze.


When the wind blows, the microwave rippling and the clouds swirling, different scenery set off each other.


The atmospheric circular still water mask has a strong sense of substitution; The mirror water reflects the building, the sky light shares the cloud shadow, the virtual reality and the reflection form a pair. Watching the water, the moon, the heart and the heaven and earth, the dawn or the sunset is no longer the eternal witness of space. This waterscape is the derivative environment of infinite phenomena. Trees look at people, people look at the water, water looks at the sky, the sky looks at the distance, and there are numerous images in the distance.

The road under our feet is hidden in the green, avant-garde, mysterious and subtle. People's curiosity and imagination about the unknown are infinitely amplified. Walking, standing, overlooking, decomposing and reconstructing here, spaces continue to gather, separate and bring different experience emotions. Sky light, water waves, green, white walls, dialogue with nature and the future.


Through the extraction of tea elements, the grid facade monomer adopts the style of tea leaves, which is staggered and spliced to form a standard section, and then the standard sections are arranged and combined to form a whole landscape wall.

▼入口对景墙 Entrance facing wall

When designing the arc waterscape of the atrium, the design team conducted repeated experiments from the aspects of stone texture, hardness, splicing size and placement angle to ensure the sense of hierarchy of falling water.

▼中庭弧形水景墙 Atrium arc waterscape wall


In time, you can feel the charm of tea language, taste tea under the forest, make friends, or read or walk, gurgling water, and compose tea language movements. There is always someone worth stopping. It is scholarly, tea meaning, beauty and love. It is a vacation style physical and mental rest.











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作为系统化景观服务专家,山水比德拥有“国家风景园林工程设计专项甲级”资质,与90%中国TOP30地产集团形成了深度合作关系,为全国各级政府提供优质的规划与设计服务,在社区环境、商业综合体、文化旅游、特色小镇、城市设计、区域规划等领域定制系统化、一体化的专业解决方案。获得“全国十佳园林设计企业”“中国建筑规划设计最佳创意品牌机构”等荣誉称号。荣获IFLA国际大奖、风景园林奖、勘察设计奖、CREDAWARD地产设计大奖、金盘奖、亚洲设计大奖、意大利A’Design Award设计奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖等多项国内外设计大奖,连续3年蝉联时代楼盘中国地产景观设计竞争力第一,2020ARCHINA建筑中国设计企业品牌新媒体影响力总榜全国第一、民营企业设计企业品牌新媒体影响力全国第一。



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